It is vital to add compost to your lawn in order for it to have the amazing effect of creating lush landscapes. For optimal organic fertilization, compost is essential for anyone who wants to maintain the beauty and health of their landscapes.
Compost is useful for seeding lawns and enriching the soil with vital nutrients that make your landscapes shine. For healthier grass, you can add compost to your lawn (also known as top dressing). It is very easy to do. We can help you get your composting projects started.
All you need is kitchen scraps, which include:
You can also reuse household waste like:
Your yard waste can be used for other purposes:
These Items Should Not Be Used:
All organic matter that is left to decay in nature will eventually be discarded. You can speed up the process by using a combination of “browns and greens.” “Browns,” such as dead leaves, are high-carbon foods. “Greens” are items like vegetable peelings high in carbon.
Maintain a compost pile that is at least 4:1 -- 4 parts “brown ingredients” and 1 part “green materials." This ratio will allow the components to decompose more quickly and without offensive odors.
It can break up heavy soil. To loosen clay soil, you can either till or spread compost into it. Plant roots are able to penetrate the soil better, and the soil drains more efficiently.
It is used to bulk up sandy soil. Compost can be used to give soil substance and increase water retention.
Sustains beneficial microorganisms. Below the soil surface is a microbiome that should be rich in beneficial microorganisms. These microbes, which are unassuming workers in garden soil, fix nitrogen and digest organic matter before converting it to usable nutrients for plants, are the true workhorses. This community can be fed with compost.
In composting, oxygenation is crucial. Aerating a pile will accelerate its decomposition process and minimize odors. To turn the pile, you can use a pitchfork/shovel. Just insert the tool in a pile and then lift the contents.
Continue to turn the pile and add water as needed.
Once the compost pile has become dark and crumbly, you can use it as fertilizer enhancement in your garden.
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Landscaping Rooted Experts Prince George
7388 Thompson Dr Unit# B, Prince George, BC V2N 5N5
| Landscaping Rooted Experts Prince George